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p 147
Chapter 2
Helical Foundation Systems
8.4.2 A list of at least three projects completed within the previous three years wherein the
Pile Designer designed helical piles similar to those shown in the project Plans. The list
shall include names and phone numbers of those project representatives who can verify
the Pile Designer’s participation in those projects, and/or
8.4.3 Recommendation from the pile manufacturer or manufacturer’s representative.
9.1 Within 2 weeks of receiving the contract award, the Installing Contractor and/or Pile Designer
shall submit the following helical pile design documentation:
9.1.1 Certification from the Pile Designer that the proposed piles meet the requirements of
this specification.
9.1.2 Qualifications of the Installing Contractor and Pile Designer per Section 8.
9.1.3 Product designations for helical lead and extension sections and all ancillary products
to be supplied at each helical pile location.
9.1.4 Individual pile nominal loads, factors of safety, LRFD load and resistance factors and
required ultimate torque correlated capacities, where applicable.
9.1.5 Individual pile loading requirements (if any).
9.1.6 Manufacturer’s published allowable system capacities for the proposed pile assemblies,
including load transfer devices.
9.1.7 Calculated mechanical and theoretical geotechnical capacities of the proposed piles.
9.1.8 Minimum pile termination torque requirements.
9.1.9 Maximum estimated installation torque and allowable installation torque rating of the
proposed piles.
9.1.10 Minimum and/or maximum embedment lengths or other site specific embedment depth
requirements as may be appropriate for the site soil profiles.
9.1.11 Inclination angle and location tolerance requirements.
9.1.12 Load test procedures and failure criteria, if applicable.
9.1.13 Copies of certified calibration reports for torque measuring equipment and load test
measuring equipment to be used on the project. The calibrations shall have been
performed within one year of the proposed helical pile installation starting date or as
recommended by the equipment manufacturer.
9.1.14 Provide proof of insurance coverage as stated in the general specifications and/or
10.1 Helical piles shall be installed within 3 inches of the indicated plan location.
10.2 Helical pile shaft alignment shall be within 2 degrees of the inclination angle shown on the Plans.