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p 149
Chapter 2
Helical Foundation Systems Demonstrate acceptable pile performance through pile load testing, or Replace the pile with one having a different helix plate configuration. The
replacement pile must not exceed any applicable maximum embedment length
criteria and either: (A) be embedded to a length that places the last helix plate
at least equal to its own diameter beyond the depth of the first helix plate of the
replaced pile and meet the minimum torsional resistance criterion; or (B) pass
pile load testing criteria.
12.1.2 If the torsional resistance during installation reaches the helical pile’s allowable torque
rating prior to satisfaction of the minimum embedment length criterion: Terminate the installation at the depth obtained, or Replace the pile with one having a shaft with a higher torsional strength rating.
The replacement pile must be installed to satisfy the minimum embedment
length criterion. It must also be embedded to a length that places the last helix
plate at least equal to its own diameter beyond the depth of the first helix plate
of the replaced pile without exceeding any applicable maximum embedment
length requirements and it must meet the minimum final torsional resistance
criterion, or Replace the pile with one having a different helix plate configuration. The
replacement pile must be installed to satisfy the minimum embedment length
criterion. It must also be embedded to a length that places the last helix plate
at least equal to its own diameter beyond the depth of the first helix plate
of the replaced pile without exceeding any applicable maximum embedment
length requirements, and it must meet the minimum final torsional resistance
12.1.3 If the installation reaches a specified maximum embedment length without achieving
the minimum torsional resistance criterion: If allowed, remove and reinstall the pile at a position at least three times
the diameter of the largest helix plate away from the initial location. Original
embedment length and torsional resistance criteria must be met. The pile
repositioning may require the installation of additional helical piles with nominal
loads adjusted for these spacing changes, or Demonstrate acceptable pile performance through pile load testing, or De-rate the load capacity of the helical pile based on default or site specific
torque correlation factors and install additional piles as necessary, or Replace the pile with one having a different helix plate configuration. The
replacement pile must be installed to satisfy the minimum and/or maximum
embedment length criterion and it must meet the minimum final torsional
resistance criterion.