© 2014 Foundation Supportworks
All Rights Reserved
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Chapter 1
1.3 Continuing Education
Foundation Supportworks is a leading provider
of continuing education for design professionals
in North America on the topics of helical
foundation systems, push pier systems, and
polyurethane injection. We know there are many
individuals and companies who claim to offer
great learning opportunities, but we find that it is
the collaboration of both subject matter experts
and curriculum design experts that yields the
best results in terms of attendees meeting
learning objectives.
Our curriculum and education methods have
been evaluated by national institutions such
as the American Council of Engineering
Companies’ (ACEC) Registered Continuing
Education Program (RCEP) and the American
Institute of Architects (AIA), and FSI has been
named an approved provider of continuing
education through both of these organizations.
Our curriculum has also been evaluated and
approved directly by the Florida State Board of
Engineers, as Florida was the one state where
RCEP approval was not recognized.
FSI offers both distant and in-person learning
opportunities. We host regularly scheduled
monthly webinars on the following topics at
11:30 am and 1:30 pm Central Time:
1st Wednesday
of each month
An Introduction to Helical Foundation Systems
2nd Wednesday
of each month
An Introduction to Polyurethane Injection
3rd Wednesday
of each month
An Introduction to Push Pier Systems
For more in-depth knowledge about product
design, installation and applications for the
systems FSI provides, we offer half day in-
person presentations several times each year
in various locations throughout North America.
We also speak regularly for professional
organizations throughout the nation during
their monthly, quarterly or annual meetings.
To see if there is an upcoming presentation
near you, please visit our commercial website
www.OnStableGround.comand click on the
“Events” button.
To register for any continuing education
opportunity, please contact your local FSI
installing contractor or send us an email at
[email protected].
All learning opportunities provided by Foundation
Supportworks are free of charge, and best of
all, can be submitted as hours to fulfill your
CEU/PDH requirements.
Engineering Seminars