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Chapter 2

Helical Foundation Systems





HelixPro is a state-of-the-art web-based program

that allows the user to calculate bearing and uplift


of helical tiebacks as they pertain to project specific

site conditions and soil profiles. The program is

ideal for analyzing both vertical and battered piles

for deep foundations of new structures, seismic

retrofitting applications, tension/uplift elements

of guyed structures, tiebacks for earth retention

systems, tiedowns, and more. HelixPro calculates

capacities of helical piles and tiebacks using the

Individual Bearing Method, which is referenced in

Chapter 2 of the FSI Technical Manual.

HelixPro allows the user to quickly perform

multiple trials with varying soil profiles and helix

configurations to select the most economical and

practical solution for the project. The program

provides a step-by-step “wizard” approach through

the design process, making the program intuitive

and easy to navigate. Some of the many features of

the software include:

• Video tutorials available on the FSI website:

• Help menus and buttons along the way to further

assist the user through the design process

• Pop-up warnings to alert the user when the

torsional rating of the shaft is exceeded, when

non-standard helix plate configurations are

selected, when minimum depth or embedment

criteria are violated, etc.

• Graphical representation of soil layers and

helix plate depths

• Graphical representation of installation torque

with depth, along with boundary lines to

represent the torsional rating of the shaft

• Generation of a summary report with a graphical

representation of the proposed installation

• Ability to save and manage projects and sort these

projects by date, application and project status

• Links to case studies, current and previous

issues of the Foundation Nation for Design

Professionals (FNDP) newsletter, and technical

content on the FSI website

The software’s layout and functionality are

illustrated in the following guide and design

example. The example utilizes real soil and project

information for a guyed tower project completed

in St. Louis, Missouri. The tower supports were

retrofitted with helical piles and anchors to provide

additional support and stability. The example is for

the design of the southwest guy support where

two Model 150 square shaft helical anchors were

installed at a 40 degree batter.

Software Guide and Design Example

Step 1

Following log-in, the program opens to the


page where the user can create a new project or

view saved projects. The top menu bar also allows

access to

My Profile

where user information

is input. User name and company name are

automatically incorporated into the final report.



page also has links to FSI case studies,

newsletters and other technical information.

For this example the “Create A New Project” button

is selected.