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p 33

Chapter 2

Helical Foundation Systems



2.9 Helical Soil Nails

Soil nailing is a method of earth retention that

relies on a grid of individual reinforcing strands

or members installed within a soil mass to

create an internally stable gravity wall/retaining

system. Soil nail wall technology began in

Europe with use of the New Austrian Tunneling

Method in rock formations in 1961. The

technology then carried over to applications

involving unconsolidated soil retention,

primarily in France and Germany. Soil nail walls

were first used in North America for temporary

excavation support in the late 1960s and

continued to gain recognition and acceptance

during the 1970s and 1980s for higher profile

projects including highway applications. Much

of the soil nail wall research performed in North

America was funded by the Federal Highway

Administration (FHWA) and other state highway

agencies during the 1990s. Although helical

piles have been used as tiebacks since the

early 1950s, helical soil nails are a relatively

new alternative to their grouted counterparts.

Soil nail walls offer the following advantages

over tieback walls as well as other top down

construction techniques:

• Soil nail walls are more economical than

conventional concrete gravity walls and are

often more economical than tieback walls due

to reduced wall facing requirements. There

would likely be more soil nails than tiebacks for

a given project, but this additional cost for the

nails is outweighed by the difference in cost of a

shotcrete facing versus a more substantial soldier

pile, sheet pile, or reinforced concrete wall detail.

• Soil nails are typically shorter than tiebacks for

similar wall heights so there will be reduced

right-of-way (ROW) requirements.

• There is less impact to adjacent structures since

soil nail walls are not installed with vibratory

energy like soldier piles or sheet piles.

• Overhead clearance requirements are less than

driven soldier pile or sheet-pile wall construction.

Soil nail walls can therefore be installed easily

below bridges and even within existing buildings.

Figure 2.9.a2

Figure 2.9.a1

Helical soil nail wall installation