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Chapter 3

Hydraulically-Driven Push Piers



Overall dimensions of a push pier cross section

are 4 inches or less in most applications.

These sections are therefore very sensitive to

the bending moments introduced by eccentric

loading. Additionally, as pier bending moments

increase, the pier axial capacity will decrease.

This loss of axial capacity due to the addition of

bending stresses can be demonstrated with the

following example. A given pier section with a

3.50-inch O.D., 0.300-inch wall thickness and a

yield strength of 35 ksi has a maximum allowable

compressive capacity of 59.3 kips according

to Allowable Stress Design. When a bending

moment of 40 kip-in is applied to the same

section, its allowable compressive capacity

drops to 24.7 kips. This is a reduction of nearly

60 percent of the section’s full axial capacity.

What’s more, this moment would equate to

an equivalent eccentricity of only 1.62 inches,

which is a seemingly small eccentricity and is

still within the envelope of a typical pier cross

section. Since, eccentricities for under-footing

bracket systems are generally within the range

of 3 to 4 inches, the loss of axial capacity due

to the resulting bending moments is a significant

design consideration.

The bending moment created by eccentric

loading is dissipated by passive resistance

of the soil against the pier tube within the first

few feet of soil support, therefore, the bending

moment only needs to be considered for the pier

tubes directly below the bracket. One method of

providing the necessary bending resistance could

involve using larger diameter and/or thicker pier

tube sections for the entire length of the pier. The

larger/thicker pier sections would resist bending,

yet still have sufficient axial capacity in reserve.

Although a seemingly reasonable approach, it is

not an economical one since the extra steel is

only useful within the region of bending for the

first few feet below the bracket where the bending

moment is dissipated into the surrounding soil.

Another method used by many manufacturers is

to utilize internal or external pier reinforcement

after the pier has been exposed to the final drive

force. Internal reinforcement is simply smaller

diameter pipe or tube sections set inside the

pier and generally spanning between the internal

couplers of the pier shaft. Internal reinforcement

can be of inconsistent length and not placed at

the optimal location; i.e., extending through and

below the bracket, since final coupler location

cannot be estimated or predetermined. Also,

internal reinforcement is not generally placed until

after the final drive load has been applied, when

the maximum bending moment may have already

caused the pier shaft to deform or buckle. There

is little chance for success when trying to insert a

straight pipe section through a bent tube. External

reinforcement typically consists of larger round or

square hollow sections driven or placed around

the pier, again after the pier has been exposed

to the final drive force. Similar challenges exist

with placement of straight external reinforcement

elements over a bent pier.

Foundation Supportworks has developed

a unique approach to address the issue of

eccentric loading on retrofit push pier systems…

the external sleeve (see next section). External Sleeve

The FSI PP237, PP288 and PP350 push pier

systems incorporate a 48-inch long external

sleeve to resist the bending forces generated

by the eccentric loading on the under-footing

and flush-mount brackets, thereby preserving

the axial capacity of the pier sections


. The external sleeve is hydraulically

driven with and around the pier starter tube

section to extend through and below the bracket.

The effect of the sleeve essentially creates

a bracket that is 48 inches tall without any

additional excavation. A 30-inch long external

sleeve is available for the PP237 and PP288

push pier systems for use in limited headroom

and crawl space applications.

The moment or bending force is localized within

a relatively short distance below the bracket.

Although the bending force is dissipated quickly

by the pier bearing against the confining soil,

it is significant and cannot be ignored. The